Sunday, January 7, 2007

This week's lesson... Portion Control!

Forget the word Diet! Take it out of your vocabulary. Doesn't that word sound scary? It makes us think we have to make changes to the things that we're used to and that of course, never comes easy. You can live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight without always giving up your favorite foods. Now the powdered donuts in the break room at work, they gotta go. But there's healthy way to enjoy pizza, cheeseburgers and ice cream and I know you've heard of it. It's called portion control. So stop worrying so much about the amount of protiens, carbs and saturated fats and listen up.

Let me ask you this; 12 oz of orange juice is good for you right? What about a baked potato? How about 2 cups of granola? What if you could have a snack of popcorn, 4 oz of potato chips or a handfull of peanuts. What would you choose? Or that lunch time foot long sub, how good is that for your body?

Well yes all of those choices are healthy, however the amount that you consume is what really matters.

  • 12 oz of orange juice will add to your daily fruit requirements, but where's the fiber? Why not just eat an orange. It's cheaper and better for you. If you have to have OJ, 6 ounces will suffice.

  • Potatoes are certainly good for you. But when you add sour cream and butter you've just hit over 500 calories. That might be a third of your daily caloric intake. That's HUGE! If you need some "flava" to add to that potato try salsa. It's good trust me.

  • Did you know that 2 cups of granola is close to 800 calories! That's crazy eh? Instead, have one cup and add some lowfat yogurt to that for about a 400 calorie treat.

  • So popcorn, chips or peanuts? Hmmm... all delicious might I add. But a large popcorn with butter and even a 4 oz bag of chip, weight in at a near 600 calories. Way too much for a snack! 1 oz of protien packed peanuts has 170 calories (two handfulls). Dude... next time you're at the movies... do I even have to say it? Go for the peanuts.

  • Jared is a liar and Subway is the devil! Of course the commercials tell you that their subs are low cal and good for you...BUT! What about all those yummy extras that you add, like cheese, white parmesan bread, sauces and dressings? That's were they get you. One footlong sub can weight in at 800 calories! If you gotta eat it... eat half.

Use this sample guide for every food option. Almost everything you eat has calories. But if you eat smaller portion sizes, you can still enjoy the things you love to eat. Think small!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Tis the season

Tis the season to to get a lil' crazy!

"The Equinox Holiday Party", at FORGE, went off without a hitch. It's nice to get to see the people you work with outside of work. I've gotten accustomed to to social "proper-ness" inside the gym lately. A cooperation will do that to you.

Let me just tell you. Some of the cast over there at Equinox sure do know how to party. I'm not naming names but pretty much everyone was a little out of control that night, as the booze flowed freely.

Jamie and I had a great time. We're both hoping that there aren't too many pictures of us surfacing from that night, because we were both extremely. . . well I don't have to tell you. You know the saying "Do as I say, not as I do".

Happy Holidays Equinox!

Your Trainer,
